Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What is so surprising

I've often felt like reflecting on how mystifying it is that the Tories are so popular again, before veering over to the theme of self-doubt, wondering if I have a clue about what people in Britain really think. Then I read Paul Flynn in the Express, and wonder why I was finding it so mystifying.

Here he is ranting about the EU Constitution, which has, apparently, sold us down the river. You can find 100 articles like this for every opposing one in the Guardian.

Actually, what is perhaps more surprising and encouraging is that people like this have been raving on as if Britain were a diminishing speck of land mired in poverty and beseiged on all sides by fanatical murderers, for years and years, during which time the Conservatives have averaged 33%. It must mean that the UK electorate are actually capable of reading quite phenomenal bile and hatred with perfect equanimity, without turning extreme. Cue fatuous comment about us not turning to Fascism in the 1930's. But perhaps Britain is more moderate than a depressing surf of the tabloid commentariat would suggest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Free Europe Constitution is better than the Treaty:
1. You can read it.
2. You can vote about it.
Take the chance and vote at www.FreeEurope.info